

or: Where's the payback?

All texts published within this site are intellectual property of their authors.

On the other hand, preparation of this anthology, i.e.: selection, description, organization, presentation and HTML formatting, are sole (although joint) work of the site editors. 

© 1999-2001 Jerzy Kuszel, Grzegorz Gigol, Graig L. Larson

We have nothing against copying (mirroring) the site or its fragments, although we would like to know where we are being shown. Besides, it is a good custom to ask, isn't it? (We have never refused anybody yet.) 
And if you want to publish links to our site, you're free to do it. We even have banners for you: 

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We want to present a worthy selection of limericks here, therefore yu will find here verse that was published before, whether by known or unknown authorship.

One of the pillars of PSL is compliance to copyrights. This site, being an anthology, does not violate coyright holders' rights. (Copying from one author is plagiarism, copying from many is research.)

However, if an author or copyriht holder does not want us to publish their limericks, please let us know. We will not hold on to any piece of work against the author's will.

Also, as a rule, we presume the senders innocent of fraud. Limericks sent to us are signed with the names provided by senders (who are not necessarily the authors, as we encourage to send us good verse written by others, too.) it does hapen that several people have the same idea, so we are not likely to judge the true authorship issues. If, on the other hand, we come upon an evident fraud, we will react.
We wish you a good reading! 
Jerzy Kuszel 
Have fun! 
Grzegorz Gigol 
Dobrej zabawy! 
Graig L. Larson 
Unfortunately, nat all people writing to us behave like civilised people. There are some SOBs who send out their robots of spam and collect addresses off the Web pages. So, we have changed the contents of this page to make their lives harder. Unfortunately, at the same time we have made your lives harder, too. We nevertheless trust you will forgive us the little piece of work we require. 
If you try to send an mail after clicking the e-mail link, you will get an error. You need to manually replace the underscore (_) in the address with a dot (.) Again, sorry for the misbehaving on the part of thee SOBs.
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