
Polish Site of Limericks (in English)

or: Why Bother?

You're kidding, right?
Hey, think about it! 
You don't expect us to translate all the limericks into English, do you? In some cases, that would actually mean translating them
back to their English originals.

All right, if that's what you want, you'll find some translations from Polish to English on the following pages:
Translations from various Polish authors, by Edward Lear
Translations from various Polish authors, by various authors 
In both cases, the Polish originals are on the right side of the page, and the English translations are on the left. 
Oh, and please, do ignore the Polish text between the limericks...

To tell you the truth, though, we
are thinking about doing something for our English speaking visitors. 
Currently, the only text that's worth reading, is
Limerick Myths by G. L. Larson, which is not even finished yet, really. 
For more, you can go to the links page and visit some English sites. 
Unless, of course, you want to know more about limerick books published in Poland.

Thanks for visiting us, and do come back soon!

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